Signature Bouquet
This beautiful combination of oriental Lilies, rose's and Gerberas and other long lasting
blooms with long stems are arranged in a natural style
These bundles will be delivered sustainably wrapped in hessian, and craft paper, and will be forever changing depending on what is available and in season.
Please note, the bundle your receive will differ from those pictured depending on the availability of certain flowers and foliage. Pictures are indicative on the size only.
Delivery Information:
Delivery available to the below regions, please give the delivery address and preferred date at checkout.
Te Awamutu township and Rural delivery areas Kihikihi, Te Kawa, Ohaupo Pirongia and Cambridge township.
Purchasing as a gift?
If you are buying as a gift for someone else, please enter your own details in the billing section and the recipients details in the shipping information sections.